Online Religious Graduate Programs| No academic degree required
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Mission Statement

“Preparing the ‘elected’ Harvester for The Master’s Harvest” (Matthew 9: 36-38).

The mission of St. Christy University of Theology & Seminary is to provide a quality and affordable religious non-academic education to religious ministers including pastors and religious workers serving or seeking to serve in the ministry and in the field of service so that they may be equipped to build up the Body of Christ, His Church, through sound biblical and religious proclamation. Thus, setting them effectively prepared for the Lord’s harvest.

Core Values




Knowing the Bible to be the Holy and Inspired Word of God, St. Christy University of Theology & Seminary strives to teach— never to correct— the Bible as it stands in the King James Version. St. Christy University of Theology & Seminary believes in, teaches, and promotes sound biblical exposition and study of God’s Word. Our full doctrinal position is listed under the Doctrinal Statement in this catalog and on-line at our website under “About Us.”



St. Christy University of Theology & Seminary strives constantly to remind its student body that Biblical Education is not for the purpose of gaining knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ so that she feels compelled to reach out to the lost world around her with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


The world without Christ is doomed to eternal Hell, and Saint Christy instills within its students to do the work of the Kingdom while there is still time, time which may cease to be at any moment with the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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St. Christy University of Theology & Seminary believes in and teaches the eternal security of the Christian, who is indwelt by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


But Christians will be strictly judged (1Cor 3.11-15) at the Judgment Seat of Christ to see whether or not they have earned any rewards as they prepare to enter the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. 


For those who have been slothful stewards, the judgment will be severe. But for those who have readied themselves as workmen rightly dividing the Word of truth and who have done the work of a faithful steward of the Gospel, rewards will be granted and they will co-rule with Christ in the Kingdom.


St. Christy University of Theology & Seminary seeks to instill a deep desire for preparing for this judgment and for earning the rewards of the Kingdom.

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